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James Cameron

Aliens, Must-See, Sequel, Scary

This sequel is an absolute must-see masterpiece, equal to or better than the original.
Everything that was great in the original is in this sequel; sets, 80's acting, special effects, and then some.
In this film we get some great backstory about humanity in space, they are world building, but we also have our sole survivor returning from the original and get some character development.
There are 7 other sequels, they don't achieve the same greatness as the first two films but may be worth watching.
Features Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, Paul Reiser, Bill Paxton, Jennette Goldstein, Mark Rolston, Colette Hillier, Ricco Ross, Al Matthews, William hope, Lance Henriksen, Carrie Henn, and others.

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