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The Phantom Of The Opera


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The Phantom Of The Opera


Rupert Julian, Ernest Laemmle

Mystery, Original, Not Scary, Must-See

Technically this is not the original, the first film was made in 1916 but has been lost; however both were filmed in the same Paris opera theatre.
Like all films from the 1920's, this is a silent film and you will have to watch and then read the cards that come up on screen after the characters speak.
Hide your phone, pay attention, if you look away for even a moment you miss lots.
The Phantom is one of the first villains ever in film and he probably doesn't look like the image you have in your head, his appearance was changed over the decades in the many remakes of this classic film.
To make up for the silence, the actors over exaggerate with their bodies and faces.
The sets and costumes are incredible, this is a serious feast for the eyes; typically films from this era are black and white, but this one has been tinged with various coordinated colours, and part has even been colourized with the earliest "technicolour process" .
The star of the film is definitely the classic orchestral score.
This film is 100 years old and there is something very beautiful about watching and knowing that the entire cast has passed on, and these images are all that remains of them and will live on forever.
Features Lon Chaney, Mary Philbin, Norman Kerry, Arthur Edmund Carewe, Gibson Gowland, and others.

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